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Showing posts from April, 2018

Image file Formats and Their applications :JPEG,TIFF,GIF,BMP, AND PNG

Image file formats are standardized means to store Digital image data which can be either in Raster  or Vector format .Once rasterized they become a gid of pixels There are several image file formats that can store images either with lossy or lossless compression methods. Each having their advantages and disadvantages .Though no. of Image storing file formats is not very limited. Some native applications use their own file formats for storing image data such as photoshop (.psd),corel draw(.CDR) that have been created to provide some additional features over conventional file formats. Recognizing file format File formats predicts much about file Data. It helps us in listing/sorting of the files which can be opened with a particular kind of application. File format can be simply found at the last of a file name begins with a (.) dot. While some applications may hide this information from the file name to prevent accidental renaming of the file extension/ format, which might ...

Choosing the right Battery : A detailed article on various batteries and their applications

Power in terms of science usually referred as the energy for work, everything in this high-tech world requires energy to operate .This energy can be either physical , chemical or mechanical. Digital electronic devices takes electrical energy as input .Say, It is your favourite smartphone , watch or  electric car they all require electrical energy for proper functioning. source: This energy can be obtained from batteries , solar panel or Home electric supply. Electrical energy supply can be categorized into AC(alternative Current) and DC(direct current).They have different applications in our daily life. Why is this the matter of talk? Today we are surrounded by electronic gadgets . It could be your laptop ,smartphone or something else . All these products are powered by some kind of electrical energy. To provide stability and mobility these products are lashed with high tech advance batteries .

Virtual Reality :Know all about immersive technology

Virtual reality is an immersive technology which gives us a sensation of being physically present in a computer generated environment. It stimulates user's physical presence in an illusory world This technology allows us experiencing a new dimension and interaction with it. Origin:How it came to effect Virtual means something in essence or effect but not real. It is often related to computer sense of not physically existing but made to appear or feel real by using software which stimulate our sensations. It is a blend of technologies working together to create an immersive illusion  to the user. image source:  The origin of virtual reality finds traces in early 20th century , however exact origin of VR is disputed. Many inventors dig their feet to devlop improved VR technology but those products didn't succeed due to technical glitches in their base model. Earliest Deployment The earliest massive deployment of this technology was  in Airforce...

A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide to Photography

Photography is an art of creating images with the help of Camera. It works on the principals of science. When light from an object hits a photo sensitive surface through a narrow hole it creates a visually identical image, which is nothing but a set of 'pieces of photo information' of the subject.It is divided into millions of pixels .A Pixel can be understood as a tiny point in the subject that is clearly visible or distinguished by the Photo lens. T his article will help you understand the basics of photography. It will also teach you how to capture good shots with your Camera or Smartphone. Go through step by step learning and at the end you will have a through understanding of these terms. Photography,How does it work Understanding Camera Exposure Triangle Metering  Macro photography How good is photography with smartphones. Antibanding, How does it affect our photographs. So, without delaying let us begin our Guide from basics. Photographic work can be ...