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Capacitor and capacitance

A  Capacitor or a Condenser is a device for storing charge. A combination of two conductor plates of area A, put closed to each other separated by a small distance d is called a capacitor. capacitor
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These plates could be of any shape -a sphere ,cylinder or flat plate. The geometry of the capacitor plates determines the capacitance for a given plate conductor area. Usually the space between the plates is filled with a dielectric medium of relative permittivity â„°.

The earliest capacitor was invented accidentally by Van MUSSCHENBROEK of Leden in about 1746 and became known as a Leden Jar.

Technically any conducting material has some resistance,capacitance and inductance . If we put some charge on a piece of aluminium foil it will retain it until someone touches it or somehow it makes contact with a nearby substance,however its charge storing capacity is very limited since excessive charge density will lead to Corona Discharge.

A marvelous example of such capacitor is Van De Graff Generator which consist of a hollow sphere which stores charge ,the second plate of which can be considered at infinity. 

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